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Great post! I'm also a Lidia fan, and squeal with delight whenever I stumble on her show. Since I'm just beginning my cooking self-education, I love books like hers (and blogs like yours!) This sounds like a great recipe!


I love Lidia! I'm sure this turned out just as amazing as everything else you turn out!


now i know what you did with that leek you bought at the market last week!


Wow you have been cooking up a storm! I love the look of that pasta...


I've enjoyed Lydia's shows from the start and her food always makes me hungry...nicely done!

claudia (cook eat FRET)

we do not get lydia on pbs in nashville because we SUCK. and i am PISSED.

phew. thanks for the opportunity to vent that one. your check is in the mail for the therapy session.

but anyway, this sounds wonderful. like a deconstructed gnocchi. or not. love the lidia... she is truly a great italian cook.


Your ravioli look beautiful. Lidia is awesome! I love her show and have eaten at her Pittsburgh restaurant. I dream of having her teach me things in her kitchen.

Nanda Fioretto-Piwowar

Ciao Lidia,
Tu fai onore a noi Italiani in USA.Il tuo programma é il migliore di tutti i programmi di cucina.
La prima volta che ti ho sentito dire "tutti a tavola a mangiare" mi hai fatto piangere. Mi sembrava di sentire mia madre. Grazie! Ti sono grata! Mia madre é morta da tanti anni e tu Lidia me la hai riportata nella mia vita. Guardo il tuo programma solo per sentirti dire "tutti a tavola a mangiare". Tu sei una donna in gamba ed anche una bravissima cuoca.Io sono innamorata della nonna.Che simpatica! Dalle un bacio per me. Spero che un giorno avró l'opportunitá di potervi conoscere in persona.

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I like the potatoes because contain protein and many properties that help us to create too much energy and this is the main reason why we need to eat it.

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I love Lidia. I tried all your recipies. I just wanna try this cookboook recipe. https://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=batch_download&send_id=817789614&email=7cff47bb7cdcb76fbfa15e66c81a1961This is going to be my next preparation. I like to visit your blog frequently.

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