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Giff (Constables Larder)

this got my attention! I don't do dessert very often but this might get me to give it a go.


What an interesting combination. You know i don't like pears, but i can't wait to hear what you thought of it.


That tart is breath-taking...would love to serve or be served this!

claudia (cook eat FRET)

whoa again. i think i love you. this is a brilliant combo of flavors. but i just hate making tarts or any pastry. i am such a loser in that department.

can i just make the filling and bake it? and then eat the entire thing by myself? because i am very capable of doing this. not proud.

Mike Geary

Wow! That looks extremely tasty! Thanks for sharing the recipe! =)

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The pear is a fruit rich in vitamins (A, B, C and E), thiamin, folic acid, fiber, potassium, mineral salts, sugars, iron, iodine and calcium, making it very suitable for a vitamin enrichment and encourage healthy and balanced diet.

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А! Saya sudah dimaksudkan untuk posting tentang sesuatu seperti ini di halaman web saya dan anda memberi saya ide. Cheers.

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Akhirnya, mendapatkan apa yang saya cari! Saya pasti menikmati setiap sedikit itu. Senang aku tersandung ke dalam artikel ini! senyum saya harus Anda simpan untuk memeriksa hal-hal baru yang Anda posting.

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This looks and probably tastes delicious. But it's not the most flattering photo.

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