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That reads like healthy and very tasty. I use a lot of the hot Italian turkey sausage I get at Whole Foods. I think that might be excellent in these. Haven't gotten myself up yet to try my new pasta machine.

Homesick Texan

Ha! I had a cheesecake period too! My boyfriend at the time was doing the low-carb thing and almost every night I'd whip up a crustless cheesecake with Splenda. Cheesecakes sort of lost their magic after baking and eating one every night.

This recipe sounds so comforting now that it's finally getting cold. And I love Lidia Bastianich's tomato sauce recipe--it's been a staple of mine for years! So simple yet so tasty!


I like the idea of using buttermilk!


My mother's baking ruts included hamburgers baked with liquid smoke and overly dry chicken breasts...

Yours sound much better!


Hey!!!! Are we separated at birth?? :) I just made my grocery list and intend to make the same dish. And I always use turkey too. (Cue the spooky Twilight Zone music). Your picture looks soooo yummy.

blue plate

There's something about a big plate of spaghetti and meatballs that always bring a smile to one's face--or at least to mine. It's one of those dishes you can tuck in and finish the meal completely satisfied.

Your recipe sounds great. I'm going to have to try it in the future.


Tanna, I think hot turkey sausage would be a great addition to these. Good suggestion.

HT, I could see how cheesecake would lose its magic under those circumstances. But you have to admire a diet that includes cheesecake every night.

Rachel, the buttermilk adds a certain tanginess, although I think it would be fine to use regular milk if you didn't have buttermilk or yogurt on hand.

Traci, yikes! I get the feeling your mother is not into cooking. :-)

sher, well everything you cook looks good to me, so maybe...

blue plate, exactly my feeling. It also seems to be almost universally well-loved.

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