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the bee

Hey Jujubee,
Any menu would begin with an artichoke in my home.. yours also?
Alas the bee is very lazy and my preffered company meals are make ahead cassarole type dishes.
I would like to be like The Barefoot Contessa ... Jeffrey is coming home ( and then in a breathless voice ) and I'm zesting a lemon. Keep remembering that those of us that are fair cooks look up to you as the gold standard. Please keep cooking, posting ,taking photos and if Mike comes home early ? Zest him a lemon .


Hi Julie, I love the way you honestly tell us that a big dinner is not your thing - and I like your supper choice. Mussels ! Good idea - that's really something we do not have at home every day (honestly I never prepare them myself). So everybody invited to your home should consider oneself a very lucky person !

Your menu will be on my list tomorrow. BTW, I have just found out that the blogger you tagged YOU has never sent me a note ..... I now fear I have missed some.


Whee! I'm gonna tackle this one as soon as I finish up my Chinatown posts.


Hi there
It sounds like a perfect dinner/supper/whatever, I only wish it were real. It´s fun now in the make-beleive, imagine if we were all actually there.
I´m still running over menus in my mind, I´ll have it asap.


Hey there, I'd love to participate! Should I post my entry as a comment?


ha! this is the only way i could ever have a dinner party!
my apt is so small that i once had 2 people over (bringing the grand total to 4) and it was soooooooo uncomfortable!
so thanks for the invite, it may take me awhile to plan, but i'll get to it by the holidays (LOL!)


Oh my!!!! What a fabulous meal! I adore mussels and that recipe is to die for. And the salad is just perfect. Thanks for tagging me, and I too love this type of cyber meal. I don't have to worry about what to wear. :):) Now I need to put on my thinking cap and plan my meal!


Yes, I loved to come! And the kitchen is such a great place to guests and then the clean up just seems to happen so naturally and all at once! Perfect.

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