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An unfortunate name, indeed! That soup sounds lovely. I think I'll file it away in my winter recipes, perhaps to cook when it's not over 80 degrees outside. :)

Julie O'Hara

I've been curious about this cookbook. I don't know if it should get a place on the shelf. The soup looks great, though! I love winter squash, and this is also quite healthy. The spinach thing is a bummer, isn't it? I love the bagged stuff.


wow, this is SO autumnal! Man, I can't wait for the weather to get seasonal so I can make something awesome and fall-y!

and didn't you learn anything from my chili/chile problem? just kidding! i bet the heat was delicious!


Aha! Kitchen wizardry! Yay! Your curse must be lifted! This soup sounds excellent - especially with the candied seeds. There's nothing like anything pumpkin-seedish to go with autumn. (and I seem to use quite a few parentheses myself!)


this looks delicious, the candied pumpkin seeds especially. this cought my eye because i have reservations at Lucques for sunday supper next month. i cant wait!!! :) grat job on the soup, it looks seriously yummy!


Beautiful!! And I can't imagine making that without the pumpkin seeds. They sound so good, I would probably need to make a lot of them to munch on. Such a pretty picture.


I was with you from the moment you wrote toasted cumin seeds...ahhh the muse is with you...glad to see it. (and no, parentheses give me a sense of relief, that you think from left field - and like it)...fear not...

From Our Kitchen

Hahaha, I can see the humor there.

I love the color of the soup. Those candied pumpkin seeds sound delicious! I think it's a great fall recipe.

the bee

Now this looks great. Could this be done with pumpkin instead of squash ?

Miz S

Heh. Her name looks like "groin."


I really am wanting this book. BTW, I have been toasting the butternut squash seeds themselves in the oven, and garnishing my squash soup with them for a while now. I don't sweeten them-I use coarse salt and smoked spanish paprika, and spray them with olive oil before toasting. I do like the idea of candied ones, but don't think you'd necessarily have to get pumpkin seeds to do it. Every dish I've seen from this cookbook looks so good.


Natural selection, indeed.

"Save the native New Mexican chiles!" is one of our bumper stickers (it's a long story) and I would love to try some Chimayó chile pepper in that soup.

Oooooh on outstanding ochre!

I suppose we shouldn't encourage Miz S, but she is a funny gal!

Tiny Banquet Committee

Yum yum yum, this sounds great. I have this book and inexplicably have not tried any of the recipes yet - almost all of them appeal to me and I've had a hard time deciding where to start, I guess!


I'm SO trying this! I've been wanting that cookbook for a while. I may break down and buy it this weekend.

Those pumpkin seeds would be a good snack, too!

Mrs. S

I'm late to the party - clearly it's a very good thing that I don't often buy fresh spinach, because I do not watch TV and would not have known about the e.coli thing. Ugh!

That is some lovely soup - I like the color, actually... I wonder if they could make that into a paint? It would look fantabulous with chocolate brown accents.

Scott at Real Epicurean

Any soup made with Pumpkin or Squash is good for me - perfect seasonal and autumnal food.

The use of candied seeds is inspired.

the bee

The good news about the whole spinich outbreak was that there was 0 percent chance of me having it in the fridge or eating it or feeding it to the kids. I hate the stuff. Had this been artichokes, I would already be dead .


Colin, I agree, squash soup is definitely cold weather cooking. And I bet your 80 degree weather is gone by now.

Julie, I would definitely recommend this cookbook. I've only made two things from it (both of which were very good), but just reading it is very inspiring. She really seems to weave very complex, interesting tastes.

ann, I apparently learned nothing from your chile/chili problem. Stop and taste before you get so heavy-handed with the stuff would be a good thing to learn. I make no promises though.

Michelle, you're right, pumpkin seeds are very fall-ish. (And glad I have company with the parentheses thing.)

aria, you lucky girl! I'm looking forward to hearing about your meal. This books makes me think that Lucques must be a great restaurant.

sher, yes, the pumpkin seeds are a great addition and I did a fair amount of snacking on them myself.

Nicky, thanks Nicky. I DO sometimes think from left field.

Fom Our Kitchen, good! I'm glad to know I am not the only person who thought that was an oddly humorous name under the circumstances.

Bets, absolutely!

Miz S, it's an odd name...

Lindy, I agree, squash seeds would work also. Also agree about everything in this cookbook looking good. I really enjoy this book.

bonnie, Miz S IS funny and don't worry, Miz S doesn't need encouragement. I've never had chimayo peppers. I'll have to check them out.

TBC, I understand. I also bought this book a while ago and I've been reading it forever. Lots of good things to choose amongst.

Anne, I have only good things to say about the cookbook. I don't think you'll regret purchasing it.

Mrs. S, just take a copy of the picture to the paint store and have them match it. I think it would look fantabulous indeed with the chocolate brown accents.

Scott, I also think the candied pumpkin seeds are an inspired touch and that sort of inspired touch is very representative of the recipes in this book.

bets, if it had been artichoke , I probably would have taken a chance and eaten it anyway.


Does candying keep the seeds crunchy? Because I have garnished pumpkin soup with the toasted seeds and then been sorry, as it seems the seeds get soggy and tough when they hit the hot soup. I love toasting the seeds in a frying pan in peanut oil, with coarse salt, but I haven't had any luck with them staying crisp or crunchy in a soup or a muffin (I tried that once, too).

This sounds similar to a curried pumpkin (or squash) soup that I have made--I think the curry-type spices really bring out the flavor in winter squash.


Rebecca, the seeds don't stay particularly crispy but I still think they add nice texture. Last night I made this soup but didn't have time to candy the seeds so I just toasted them instead and still found them to be a good addition.


I saw this when you posted it and immediately wanted to try it: the addition of fennel is something I would never have imagined on my own, and--like you said--squash soups are so often bland (or worse, taste like dessert).

At this moment, I am just tucking into some of my batch, and it's delicious. I made a few changes, based on what I had around (or, more accurately, what I didn't have around): I didn't add the creme fraiche or the pumpkin seeds, I used 2 tsp. of ancho chile powder instead of arbol (ancho is less spicy than cayenne), and I used a mixture of mostly white wine and a little bit of mirin for the sherry (figuring sherry often subs for mirin in Chinese food, so why not go the other way). I also added a tsp. of ground coriander.

Finally, after the puree, I ran it all through the food mill since I was nervous about the fibers in the squash and the fennel.

So good. Thanks for the post!


littlebouffe, I bet the ancho chile was a nice touch. I think of it as being more flavorful than cayenne.

Thomas of Baltimore

WOW> I'd love to taste this!



i recently made this soup and it was delicous! the candied pepitas were so addicting.

Krema za vene

I just made this tonight and it was delicious! Thanks for this recipe. You can't beat how easy it is, plus it tastes great. Thanks again!


We made this (using butternut squash) and it's great! We didn't opt for the toppings even though they looked great, as we were pressed for time, but even without it's a very good soup. We also added an extra bulb of fennel and just ran an immersion blender through it; it isn't as smooth as the recipe intends but that's fine. I think it'd be even better with kabocha.


Great info , tnx for u.

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