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So it's possible to clean the mussels ahead of time?! Hmmm, who knew? Jack looks delicious by the way.


Much as I love photos of food, give me a photo of your beautiful dogs any day!!

Those mussels sound delicious. Is there anything unusual about the bacon or is it just ... bacon!? Like what I'd get from the deli in the supermarket. We have middle bacon, short bacon (basically the eye of the middle bacon), streaky bacon, bacon pieces and that's about it! When you say thick sliced how thickly is it sliced? The rest of the ingredients I can handle (we call cilantro 'coriander'). Who would have thought converting American to Australian would require learning a whole new language!!

I think I might give the mussels a go this weekend.

Keep cooking, Julie!!!

And don't forget to write that cookbook.


Oh my, that sounds fantastic. I am never any good at serving things either. I usually just invite a lot of people so I can blame it on the amount of folks instead of my lacking abilities.


Oh my, that sounds fantastic. I am never any good at serving things either. I usually just invite a lot of people so I can blame it on the amount of folks instead of my lacking abilities.


Hey, I was one of the guests at this dinner party, and it was fantastic. Ignore Julie's comments about time management. Everything was wonderful and unfolded perfectly. The lovely hors d'ouvres, the delightful salad, and the unbelievably scrumptious mussels. I am very glad to find the recipe posted here!


DFO, perhaps in the future you could use your oracle powers to help guide me in this process. You could look ahead and tell me just where things were going to go off the rails. Not that I'd necessarily be able to use that information.

Cazza, I think the bacon was just...bacon. Here's a picture and description. I wouldn't worry too much about how thick or what kind of bacon -- I think any smoked bacon will work.

Angela, good technique, I'll have to remember it in the future.

Ellen, thank you! You are being very kind.

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